What does a Star Wars fan look like?

They seem to be everywhere. With 343,000,000+ web search results, 33,000,000 news results, uncountable image results and more than 378,000,000 video results (more than straight web search results – this is important for Psychographics) on Google, it is fair to say there are a lot of Star Wars fans and they represent almost every demographic range. Eleven 3 year olds like Star Wars – just ask my son. (Although, that could be my fault.)


Aliens and human of Star Wars

Diversity, Humans and Aliens alike

The fans are as varied as the denizens themselves!

Demographics are the quantifiable statistics of a given population. Demographics are also used to identify the study of quantifiable subsets within a given population which characterize that population at a specific point in time.

Psychographics is the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.[1] Because this area of research focuses on interests, attitudes, and opinions, psychographic factors are also called IAO variables.

Not quite the Data I am looking for

Star Wars as 100 people

This was a fun find that got me thinking. I know the assignment was figure out the demographics of an audience and go through the details and the methods of getting them but this site seemed like a much more interesting option.

Seeing as how I am Darth Tatter in another life, it is no surprise to me that I identify both as Jedi and Sith and am a big Empire supporter.

Who are you in the Star Wars Universe?

I feel a strange presence in the force

Women in Storm Trooper uniforms

Women of the 501st

Female Star Wars fans: strong with the force

Albin Johnson shares some interesting thoughts about Star Wars fans that via some insight into the demographics and psychographics of the fan base. Thanks for the help with my homework Albin!

So gone are the stereotypical Geeks of Yor that could easily be categorized on a Venn diagram.  (If I used Yor does that identify me as being one of the Geeks of Yor?).

Star Wars Fan Demographics on Facebook

This awesome demographic article was an amazing find for this assignment, some data on gender, language etc. Some very interesting results. One that I keep coming back to that surprises me is that the percentage of women fans is higher in relation to Star Wars than other genres (yes I consider Star Wars its own Genre). This should not have surprised me as I look through my Twitter followers and see more women than I ever could have guessed. Another interesting note is that they are the ones engaging in conversation the most.

Interesting seeing the fan base gender flip over time.

Line graph shows the change in gender of Star Wars over time.

I sense a disturbance in the force

Did I say this was an awesome site? This is an awesome site! Thanks you Brett Schenker

Now that I know who may be reading some of my posts I need to decide how to both express what I want and do it in a way that works for readers.

Karate Kid is Star Wars

There are a handful of movies that have made a big impact on me.

My favourite movies of all time!

Sure there are lots that I like a few that I love but none have made bigger impacts than

That’s right the Karate Kid – The old one with Ralph Macchio@ralphmacchio (not that new one with Jackie and that other guy – Jackie I can’t believe you were part of that <sigh>).

A friend of mine at work stopped me in the hall and asked me if Ralph and I had a falling out. This staff person and I used to muse over what

Ralph was up to and what he did for excitement so we looked him up on the web, followed him on twitter and all of those not quite internet stalking kinds of things you do to see what 80’s celebrities are up to.

Anyway after my friend pointed out that I had not mentioned Ralph or Karate Kid in a while but had notice that I was blogging about Darth Vader I started thinking.

I mentioned the conversation about Ralph to another co-worker who sparked an idea.

A brilliant idea – I am a genius

Star Wars and karate Kid are the same story.

Karate Kid

Karate Kid movie box

Star Wars

Star Wars boxed set

Wow! It’s brilliant and so original, or so I thought.

So I started doing my homework and guess what someone already blogged about it.

The Karate Kid Episode IV: A New Outlook – Comparing the Star Wars & Karate Kid Trilogies

Thanks Brian Morin

Okay so it is still brilliant! What is that saying? “Great minds think alike?”

My argument is not that Luke Skywalker and Daniel LaRusso are not the same and not that Mr. Miyagi is Yoda, Qui Gon Jim and Obi Wan all rolled up into 1 person but that (and here is where I think Brian Morin got it wrong):

Darth Vader or at least Anakin Skywalker is Johnny Lawrence (they are both a little whinny and teenage punk looking?)

Johnny Lawrence

Johnny Lawrence looking like apunk

80’s teen punk

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin lookking like an 80’s punk


And emperor Palpatine is John Kreese (can you see the resemblance? Look at the hair and the facial expressions)


John Kreese

Nice hair sour puss


Senator Palpatine

Nice hair sour puss

Okay, so I do not have a strong witty argument to support my case but the pictures help don’t they.

What do you think?

What about a comparison of Star Wars to Lord of the Rings?

JarJar vs Golem (Golem is cooler and could kick Jar Jar’s @%% in a fight).

Jar Jar

Jar Jar

Why didn’t the empire wipe these guys out?



Can kick Jar Jar’s @$$!

I know, I know. This has nothing to do with Karate Kid vs Star Wars but I did mention the Lord of The Rings so I had to get a plug in for it here somewhere.

Why didn’t Yoda honk Palpatine’s nose

So that is the one lingering question I have. “Why did Yoda not get to honk Palpatine’s nose”. I think the audience would have accepted it, plausible right?

Karate Kid vs Star Wars

Here are some interesting Karate Kid vs Star Wars pictures.

Mr. Miyagi

Mr Miyagi trying to catcha fly with chopsticks

A fly swatter might work better?


Yoda with Mr Miyagi's headband and beard catching flies with chopsticks

Mr Miyagi – Yoda machup

Luke carrying Yoda beside Daniel carrying Mr Miyagi

Star Wars is Karate Kid